Pre-Employment Health Testing Puts Your Business Ahead

Before starting a new role, employers may require their candidates to under go a pre-employment health test, also referred to as health screening or a medical check. These tests determine whether or not a person is suitable for a particular role.

What is Involved in a Pre-Employment Health Test?

Pre-employment health checks generally take up to 1 hour and begins with a brief consultation on any pre-existing conditions and treatments the person may be receiving. Pre-employment tests can differ for each organisation, depending on the industry or job description.

A pre-employment test can include:

  • Blood Pressure Assessment
  • Neurological Assessment
  • Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • Visual Acuity Test
  • Audiometry/Hearing Assessment
  • Lung Function Test
  • Drug & Alcohol Test

What are the Benefits?

The main purpose of a pre-employment health test is to determine an employee’s ability to safely perform the duties required of them in their role. Additionally, it is to ensure the health and safety of the employee and others around them are not put at risk.

Pre-employment tests will address specific health (both physical and mental) concerns relative to an organisation’s work environment. If a job involves a lot of manual handling and heavy lifting, for instance, a health screening can establish the candidate’s ability to meet the physical demands of the role, helping prevent any work-related injuries from occurring.

Prospective candidates can also be made aware of unknown medical conditions that otherwise would have gone undetected, allowing them to seek treatment early.

By implementing pre-employment health tests, it helps employers cut recruitment and training costs, increase staff engagement and productivity, and reduces the risk of workplace incidents.

If you’re an employer that requires your workers to undergo a pre-employment health test or if you’d like more information, contact Working Wise by filling in our online form or giving us a call on 04 499 0710.

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