ENGAGING WORKPLACES >INFORMED H&S STRATEGY InformedHEALTH & SAFETY STRATEGY Strategic planning for health, safety and wellbeing is the key to improving performance and effectively managing risk. Without a documented strategy in place supported by your leadership team, your organisation will not have a clear pathway of improvement and may not be effectively managing workplace risks. HSW Strategy sessions for senior leadership teams Working Wise will assist your senior leadership team develop a pathway to excellence through the development of a health, safety and wellbeing strategy: Setting clear goal and objectives based on values and findings from the gap analysis Establishing 5-10 critical risks and measures to track progress Define roles and responsibilities within the workplace HSW work programme with timeframes and responsibilities Leadership team communication plan Establish an easy to use HSW measurement system. HSW pathway to excellence Working Wise’s Pathway to Excellence is a diagnostic tool that encourages worker participation in assessing how their health, safety and wellbeing system is performing. It encourages conversations, actions and work plans to improve the performance HSW in the workplace. Informed health and safety moves away from just relying on incident and accident data to tracking the operational and strategic activity in the health and safety system. Setting up HSW work programme Setting up a work programme is an outcome of Working Wise’s gap analysis process, whether it be for meeting compliance or aiming for helps organisations develop a health, safety and wellbeing (HSW) work programme to assist the workplace meet compliance or move into best practice.