Working WiseHealth & Safety Training Our health and safety training sessions are developed by trusted and qualified health and safety experts. We facilitate engaging and interactive sessions for workers at every level, including managers and senior leaders. Working Wise has partnered with WorkSafe Reps to provide Health and Safety Representatives with their Initial training course HSR Stage One & Two HSR Stage One: Initial HSR A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) initial course provides HSR’s with skills to promote a safer and healthier place of work and covers the Unit Standard 29315. For an HSR to perform their functions and exercise their powers they must complete the Initial HSR 2 days training course which includes the content of the Unit Standards 29315 “Describe the Role of a Health and Safety Representative. Successful completion of US 29315 allows the HSR to exercise their powers to issue provisional improvement notices (PIN) and direct unsafe work to cease. Breakdown: This course is 2 days and completed online via Zoom. It includes: 1 day learning and interactive group work 1 day assessment to complete Unit standard 29315. We provide you with: Downloadable – Course Workbook Downloadable – Health and Safety Work Act 2015 Contact us and book today for more information on training options for your workers to become qualified HSRs. HSR Stage Two: Investigation and Managing Risks This course builds on knowledge and skills developed in the Initial Training for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) around risk management. It explores effective ways for workers, HSRs and Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to work together. The course participants explore ways to engage in HSW, step through the stages of risk management and reporting, use case studies to work through the steps of an investigation process, make recommendations and raise issues with the PCBU using HSR powers. Breakdown: This course is 1 day and completed online via Zoom. It includes: 1 day learning and interactive group work. We provide you with: Downloadable – Course Workbook Downloadable – General hazard and risk management regulations Downloadable – Case study Contact us and book today for more information on training options for your workers to become qualified HSRs Workstation Assessment Training Our experienced Occupational Health Nurse will guide your managers and workers through the best practices in setting up a workstation; knowing how to keep themselves well in relation to their desk, chair, monitor and other equipment. Tailored Workplace Seminars Some of our existing packages include: Developing your critical risk profiles and controls Chemical awareness training Manual handling Accident investigation Health and safety roles and responsibilities Basics of Health and Safety at Work Act. Coaching & Training Our training and coaching programmes aim to upskill your people to be leaders and champions of workplace health and safety. Engage your staff through our interactive training sessions, so they can gain these valuable skills for your workplace.