HomeBlogWhy Health & Safety Plans Must Include Risk Management Why Health & Safety Plans Must Include Risk Management Responsiveness is essential for any business’ health and safety procedures, but preventative measures are equally as important. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA 2015), businesses have a responsibility to; (a) to eliminate risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable; and (b) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable. What is Risk Management? Risks to health and safety arise from people being exposed to hazards in the workplace. Appropriately managing workplace risks can prevent serious incidents from occurring and keep your staff and business safe. Its important to understand that risk management is not just hazard spotting. It requires an iterative process which includes; identifying and understanding potential riskscarefully assessing the riskstaking appropriate measures to manage and control the risks and reviewing the effectiveness of controls. Focus on your business’s critical risks first before managing less serious risks. It is also recommended you involve workers and their representatives throughout the risk management process and decision making. Workers are more familiar with their environment and have operational day-to-day knowledge that is invaluable when it comes to managing risks. It’s important to regularly review your work activities to identify new risks that may arise. By properly managing your health and safety risks, you avoid and mitigate losses and identify opportunities for the business. For more information on Risk Management, WorkSafe have provided a guide for businesses which can be assessed here. If your business needs assistance with identifying, assessing and managing health and safety risks, contact Working Wise today. We can develop risk registers that fit your organisation and ensure all your risks are handled appropriately. Up next Sign up to our newsletter Sign up to our newsletter First Name * Last Name * Company * Email * reCAPTCHA Sign Up If you are human, leave this field blank. We have worked with How can we help? Send Us An Email Contact Us First Name * Last Name Email Phone Company * Message reCAPTCHA SEND If you are human, leave this field blank. Call Us To Make a booking with us 04 499 0710 Visit Us Working Wise Office Suites Level 2, 24 Johnston Street Wellington, 6011